Consultancy & Training Offered

This pages details the ongoing consultancy and training I offer.

Consultancy and Training 

As a chartered research psychologist I provide service evaluations, consultancy and training in evidence-based interview assessments for children's services, psychology and social work teams.
Specifically I currently offer:-

  • Evaluations for children's services
  • Independent evidence-based assessment reports using either the Attachment Style Interviewfor Adults (ASI), Adolescents (ASI-AD) or the  Parenting Role Interviews (PRI) for Adoption, Fostering & children's services  This package includes the undertaking of a full assessments and the provision of summary reports and extensive feedback to social workers and prospective carers of the findings.
  • ASI and PRI reliability and consultancy online sessions for practitioners accredited in these assessments.   also discuss the best practice in feeding back the findings in terms of strengths and vulnerabilities for both assessments. 
  • Panel briefings, foster carer briefings and refresher trainings for adoption and fostering teams on attachment and the ASI.
  • ASI and PRI raining courses for social workers and children services practitioners and teams in the ASI and PRI. This training is partnership with the Centre for Abuse and Trauma studies, Middlesex University, where I have held an honorary research position for over a decade, 
  • Additional information on the ASI and PRI is below and can also be found also on the website
  • Please contact me for further information, references and endorsements. 

Evidence-based assessments 

Attachment Style Assessment (ASI) for Adults and Adolescents in Family Services: adoption, fostering & child protection

Pioneered by the British psychiatrist John Bowlby and American psychologist Mary Ainsworth, 'Attachment Styles' are patterns of behaving that often arise from childhood and affect how we access support and intimacy both from those close and people in general. They can change over our lifetimes as our 'internal working models'  such as levels of trust change. Attachment is at the heart of family life and at the heart of foster care and adoption. Attachment theory and research provide a helpful developmental framework for making sense of the behaviour and relationship strengths and difficulties that children bring from their complex backgrounds

The standardised research tool Attachment Style Interview (ASI) for adult attachment has long been used in adoption, fostering and child protection services. A five-day online ASI training is offered for adoption and fostering practitioners and agencies and includes the accreditation of a pilot ASI interview.                     

Parenting Role Interview (PRI)

The Parenting Role Interview (PRI)  is an assessment tool for social care and clinical services working with families. Its purpose is to question about parent’s or carer’s attitudes and behaviour to determine competence in their parenting role. It assesses a parents'  own view of that role, and compares this with a more objective assessment based on examples of behaviour. It covers child difficulties; interaction between parent and child/ren and competence in providing care, affection, and control. PRI provides an evidence base of current  strengths and weaknesses in parenting and allows for an indication of the parent’s insight into their own parenting. The two day training includes the accreditation of a pilot PRI interview.